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Join us at 8:15 or 10:30 each Sunday morning!

12 Church Street, Dunlap, TN 37327

Serving Jesus | Making Disciples | Building Community


We here at First Baptist believe our mission was outlined for us by our Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.  We are to make disciples wherever we go (Matthew 28:18-20) and to be His witnesses here and across the world (Acts 1:8). 

Our vision for how that applies to the context in which we have been placed by God’s sovereign design is as follows:

*We will SERVE JESUS by carrying out His commands to love God, love our neighbors as we love ourselves, and to love our brothers and sisters as He loved us.

*We will MAKE DISCIPLES through the preaching and teaching and singing of the Gospel to those we encounter and to each other, growing together in our spiritual maturity.

*We will BUILD COMMUNITY through love, care, concern, and support for the people of Dunlap and Sequatchie County


Do you need prayer? We would love to be able to pray for you. Click the button below to send us an email with how we can pray for you!